Sunday 31 July 2011

Cloud Shadows over Ranworth Church, Norfolk

Ranworth Church, Norfolk Broads, England - 15" x 11"

This was painted on a watercolour workshop weekend in July led by Steve Hall. The location was the Norfolk Broads. I was pleased with the deep foreground shadows, counter-changed church roof with the dark tree, and the simple rendition of the red bricked building. The busy sky indicates the windy summer's day.

Thursday 31 March 2011

Paint Outdoors

Welcome to my blog about Watercolour Impressionist painting. My name is Sean Terrington Wright.  For me, the key is to get out into nature to paint directly. The changing light, atmosphere and pure joy of getting outside is all I need to get inspired. Hopefully, I will get time to share my painting experiences with you. Enjoy.