Friday 27 June 2014

Storm Approaching Ayres Rock, Australia

Ayres Rock, Australia - 15" x 11"

Painted on Whatman watercolour paper in 1993! I've been painting a long time. I love the drama of this painting. Purple storm clouds and orange rocks. Great combination. The green bushes in the foreground are not fussy and do not distract from the focal point of the rock. Even though Whatman watercolour paper stopped production in the 1980s, I bought a huge batch back then and still bring it out now and again to paint on. It's a beautiful 100% cotton natural fibre paper.

Friday 20 June 2014

Surfs Up - Manly Beach, Sydney, Australia

Manly Beach, Sydney, Australia - 15" x 11"

Another Australian watercolour - this time August 2005. Using Whatman watercolour paper, this was painted on Manly Beach. August in Oz is rather pleasant temperature-wise. This painting was completed in under half an hour, under very blustery conditions. Blowing sand also added to the need for speed! The thing that caught my attention was the steely blue-grey tones of the sea.

Friday 14 February 2014

Sean Terrington-Wright and 101 Top Techniques For Artists

Major art publisher, David and Charles, are publishing an exciting new book called "101 Top Techniques For Artists" on 24th April 2014. My step-by-step "how to..." instruction and watercolour technique appears in the PEOPLE AND URBAN chapter. There are a lot of well-known artists, across many media, involved with the project, including Steve Hall, Wendy Jelbert, Geoff Kersley, and many more. It's available to pre-order via Amazon £13.84.

Saturday 8 February 2014

New Sean Terrington-Wright Watercolour Workshops and Courses 2014

Be inspired to paint in a bold, impressionist way! My new Impressionist watercolour workshop and course schedule for 2014 has been finalised. All of my painting tuition is based outdoors in beautiful rural Norfolk. Check out the dates now.